Soil aggregate property

#Relative density :
Relative density is one of the soil aggregate property. Which determines the relative compactness of the soil as very loose, loose, medium, dense, very dense.
Relative density is given by : 

           D = ( emax-e) / (emax-emin) *100
e = void ratio
emax = maximum void ratio
emin = minimum void ratio
• if the soil is very loose then e= emax and D= 0
• if the soil is very dense then e = emin and D = 100%
☆ for very loose soil, relative density (D%) should be <15
☆ for loose soil, D% = 15-35
☆ for medium, D % = 35-65
☆ for dense, D % = 65 - 85
☆ for very dense,D % = > 85
# consistency of soil
It is one of the important property of soil aggregate. It is defined as the physical state of fine grained soil at a particular water contained.
It denotes the degree of firmness. Depending upon the water contained at which soil have differen state as liquid state, plastic state, semi plastic state and solid state. The limiting water from one to another state is called as consistency limit. Consistency limits are liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, dry limit.

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