Determination of cosistency

# liquid limit :
Take 120gm of dried soil which can sieve by 425 micron and mixed it by distilled water. Then the paste of soil made that paste is kept in the cup and leveled it with spatula. Use standard grooving tool, a groove cut in the soil pat formed in the cup. The cup is blowed by the manual operation by

handled. If it make blowed by manual
handling also can blowed by electricity at the rate of 2 revolution per second. The number of blows and groove required to 13mm is to be noted, similiar process repeated. And the graph with logarithm scale is made. At ordinate ( y axis)  water contained in % , and x axis is no of blows is illustrated.
#plastic limit :
30 gm of dried soil sample which passing through 425 micro taken. Rolled it to form a ball and then rolled on the glass plate until it formed thread having 3mm diameter. If the crumble doesn't formed then the soil is remoulded into ball again. The process of remolding and rolling continues until thread just start crumbling. The crumbled thread is tested for the water contained by putting it into the oven at 110°c. W= Ww/Ws, W= water containe, Ww = wt of water , Ws = wt of solid.

#Shrinkage limit
30gm of dried soil are taken which can sieve by 425 micron. Mixed that soil with the distilled water and make soil paste. Another apparatus not corrodible cup having the 45 mm dia, 15mm height is coated with the greese or oil because to prevent the adhesive of the soil. Cup is then filled with the soil paste. Surface of soil is levelled and outer side of cup cleaned. The mass of cup with wet soil is found to be known say M1. And dried it by putting in oven at 110°C. After dried mass is Md.
Then, shrinkage limit = M1/Md

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