
Ancient to medieval period
In this period many constructions were constructing by thumbs rule. In this perid soil and soil mechanics were not introduced but there are many construction done in that period still exist.
● Egyptian used caissons for deep foundation in 2000 bc

● Hanging garden bult in babylon (iraq)
● Tajmahal 
● Heavy construction like bridge, aqueduct, harbors etc in roman time.
Period of early development
● In 1773, columb a french engineer - gave theory of earth pressure on retaining wall.
● In 1856, Darcy - gave law of permeability of soil.
● In 1857, Rakine- published theory of earth pressure considering the plastic equilibrium of earth mass
● In 1866, culmann- gave general graphical solution  for earth pressure.
● In 1885, Bossineq- gave theory of stress distribution due to extenally applied load. 
● In 1911, Atterberg- simple test for characterizing consistency of soil. 
● In 1913, prof fellenious- gave swedish cirle for checking stability of slopes.
● In 1916, patterson- friction circle for stability of slope
● In 1871,O mohr- Rapture theory for soil and he also gave the graphical representation of stress as mohr circle.
Modern era
Modern era of soil mechanics began when published Edbaumechanics by kerl tarzeghi. KERL TERZEGHI ALSO CALLED FATHER OF SOIL MECHANICS.
Soil are two types on the basic of their formation. 
They are 
□ Residual soils
□ Transported soil
RESIDUAL SOIL: grains size are indefinite
TRANSPORTED SOIL : which comes by transportating agency and method of deposition. 
They are:
Alluvial soil : havebeen diposited from suspension of runnin water.
Lacustrine deposit : have been diposited from suspension of lake.
Marine deposit : have been diposited from the suspension of sea water.
Aeolian deposit : have been transported by wind.
Glacial deposit : soil have been transported by ice.

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