Classification of soil

There are many groups of soil classification but some of major group are :
• Massachusetts institute technology system (MIT)
• Textural soil classification system

• Indian standard soil classification system based on grain size (ISSCS)
• British standard classification system  (BSCS)
• Unfined soil classification system ( USCS)
• Indian soil classification system (ISCS)
• AASHTO soil classification system
MIT System
# given by prof G Gilboy at MIT USA.
# Gravel, particle size greater than 2mm.
# Sand partical size is between 0.06 to 2mm.
# Silt, Particle size is between 0.002 to 0.06mm
# clay partical size less than 0.002mm.
Textural classification of soil
#given by US Bureneau.

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